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Friday, 26 July 2013

Law Society v ABI Turning up the heat!!

The spat between the Law Society and the Association of British Insurers (ABI) is hotting up by the day. 

This concerns that Society’ Advertising Campaign which encourages victims of accidents to consult a lawyer rather than be ‘mugged by an insurer’.

It is a light hearted but also hard hitting campaign which includes a picture of a victim who looks like he has been both in an accident and mugged!

The ABI hit back last week with typically aggressive rhetoric. They accused the Law Society of name calling whilst at the same time accusing lawyers of mugging the public. They allege that the statistics used by the Law Society are out of date.

Anyone who deals with these cases on a daily basis knows that this is nonsense.  A few weeks ago I blogged about a child with massive injuries in which insurers had to be dragged kicking and screaming to a court hearing before a fair result was achieved. That case was noteworthy because of the severity of the injuries but we all come across this day in and day out. Victims are entitled to independent professional advice. 

The ABI would like to engineer a world where victims just have to accept whatever they offer, whether it is fair or not.

So it is encouraging to hear that the Law Society is sticking to its guns. New President, Nick Fluck has said this week that he has no plans to abandon the campaign –

I do hope that the Law Society maintain this stance. Under the current government the ABI have been given pretty well everything they want. This is an important response on behalf of victims.

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