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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Dismissing Dismal Dismissal Plans

Bad news for the government in its attempts to effectively abolish Employment Protection.

I mentioned recently that a conservative Party supporter, Adrian Beecroft, had published a report calling for the introduction of no fault dismissal. In simple terms this would mean employers could sack their workers for any reason –

The reason given was that this would stimulate the economy. If businesses can dismiss workers at will then they are more likely to employ more people thus reducing unemployment.

Now as a partner in a business employing over a hundred staff I could not disagree more strongly with that argument. I cannot imagine ever deciding to employ somebody just because I could easily get rid of them. That is also the view of the Manufacturing Organization EFF which has spoken out against the plans.

Speaking in today’s Guardian the Chief Executive of EFF said –

‘We've found little support from industry for introducing no-fault dismissal, its benefits look pretty limited and we've seen no evidence that it would increase recruitment.’

In the real world, employers are aware of the need for effective employment relations. They are less interested in the power to sack at will.

This is at least some good news for workers in an increasingly hostile environment. The qualifying period before you can go to an Employment Tribunal has gone up from one to two years. There are plans to introduce fees in Tribunal cases which will deter many from pursuing cases. In one sense this was no great surprise. Employment rights have always seen a bit of an ideological ping pong depending who was in power.

But abolition of any right of unfair dismissal is clearly a step too far for both workers and employers.

Hopefully this poorly thought out plan will now be put to bed for good!

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